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European Importer

We would like to announce that we, Siam Adenium co.,ltd is certified as "Controlled Plant Exporter" and "treament" to "Europe" by our department of Agriculture (Thailand). Please see the certificate on the left side show as a Controlled Plant Exporter under the Plant Quarantine ACT B.E.2507 and Amended. That means now you can import our plants to youwith very safe and good conditions. Just have your Plant Import Permit (optional, just check with your plant quarantine services) and we'll deliver the plants to you safe and good condition plants.

New Releases

New World Rosy Adenium with the deepest purple and super blooming.

New World Black Rosy Adenium.

New World White Rosy Adenium with Purple Stripe all over petals.

New Super Big Rosy Adenium.

New Super Blooming Yellow Rosy Adenium

Another Super Big Pure White Rosy Adenium

New World White Rosy Adenium with widely deeper red stripe.

New World Rosy Adenium with Stronger Fragrance.

New World Super Rounded Big Red Rosy Adenium with clearer Blue Border.

New World Rosy Ademnium with almost full Black over-lapping petal areas.

New Yellow Long Lasting Rosy Adenium

New World Rosy Adenium with splashy brushed red all over white over-lapping petals.

The Best YELLOW Rosy Adenium of the year

New White Rosy Adenium with curly tiny pink border.

New Rosy Adenium attractive with clearly tiny red stripe all over over-lapping petals.

New World Rosy Adenium with Ice-Cream looks.

New World First Rosy Adenium with SUPER BIG flower size from Quintuple Overlapping Petals.

New World First Rosy Adenium with sexy splashy pink stripes & also spread from center.

New World First Rosy Adenium with Round & Curly Border Overlapping Petals.

New World First Rosy Adenium with Violet Petals decorating with wider & deeper purple border.

New World First Rosy Adenium with tiny pink stripes all over soften pink overlapping petals.

New World First Adenium Release with Ice Cream looks.

New World First Adenium Release with Blue & White border on every overlapping petals.

New World's Rosy Adenium Revolution.

New World Stunning Purple Adenium with "ORCHID" Fragrance.

New World First Rosy Adenium release with Yellow Stronger Frangrance.

New Transparent Yellow Rosy Adenium and Orange border on upper first petals.

New White Rosy Adenium with Tiny Magenta Border all over overlapping-petals.

New Rosy Adenium blooming today with new world colors and looks.

New Rosy Adenium blooming today with new world colors and looks.

New Adenium's Revolution with deeper black Rosy Adenium.

This is our greatest of Black Rosy Adenium with Black & Red on last overlapping petal.

New world adenium trends with aromatic randomly yellow & red adenium mixed up together.

New Baby Green Rosy Adenium with thicker multi-overlapping petals.

New World 2012 Rosy Adenium with splashy deep red on pure white background.

How do we export?

Please click here to see the steps of our adenium export to you.

"The Biggest Adenium's Revolution with new forms"

Hi Adenium Lovers; In this year, we have produced Adenium flowers with multi-overlapped petals or we called “Rosy Adeniums. This is the biggest revolution of this year not only with Rosy Adeniums but also Adenium form. I have got many questions from Adenium players from many countries how to choose the nice Adenium seedlings to grow or maintain them with better form. Adenium seedlings in my mention is Adenium : Thai Socotranum, Arabicum and mixed hybrid : Thai Socotranum x Arabicum. Long time ago, most of players only concerned with what hybrids can grow in good form. This would  

Crazy spread root following with Bonsai Class
also have a big problem with new players because they are not familiar with Adenium hybrids or characters so they hardly decide and select what hybrids will be able to grow in good form. This will come up with the next question “What is Adenium with good form gonna be?”. About 3 years ago, players here were so serious about true hybrids, not even think much about form because they are very serious to get seedlings grown from true mother plant only. Two years later, Bonsai begins into Adenium especially with Adenium : Thai Socotranum. Players or growers start applying Bonsai’s technique with Adenium : Thai Socotranum. Actually, Bonsai has come to Thailand for many years ago but mostly using with Adenium Obesum : Thai Root Stocks grafted with flower varieties. Last year, Adenium : Thai Socotranum was very popular because they can grow in Bonsai form ,in term of seedling, much more than other Adenium hybrids. Why can they be Bonsai form? The reason is her characters are bushy or symmetric branches, antique caudex skin or wrinkle skin and especially with spread root easy to organize them as Bonsai. All of these factors can make them become Adenium Bonsai Seedlings.
Until now, players do not care much about hybrids but care for form following with Bonsai Class. Not only old players but many new players have also changed the way to grow in term of form instead of hybrids focusing. Now let’s get back to our topic, “how we select nice Adenium seedlings?” My recommendation is the form selection. There are mainly 3 forms below that I would like to recommend to new players. All of these forms are followed with Bonsai Form. Here they are…

1. Bonsai Form with spread muscular root, Dwarf form, antique caudex skin and symmetric branches style: This characters is mostly originally developed from mixed hybrid between Thai Socotranum and Arabicum.

2. Bonsai Form with spread centipede root, antique skin and bushy branches : This Adenium is developed from Thai Socotranum with dwarf form.

3. Bonsai Form with spread root, antique skin and symmetric branches. This Adenium is developed from Thai Socotranum : Golden Crown. I think you just focus on only 3 forms above, this can help you easier select what Adenium seedling you can get. You can see more information from this link. Have a nice weekend.