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European Importer

We would like to announce that we, Siam Adenium co.,ltd is certified as "Controlled Plant Exporter" and "treament" to "Europe" by our department of Agriculture (Thailand). Please see the certificate on the left side show as a Controlled Plant Exporter under the Plant Quarantine ACT B.E.2507 and Amended. That means now you can import our plants to youwith very safe and good conditions. Just have your Plant Import Permit (optional, just check with your plant quarantine services) and we'll deliver the plants to you safe and good condition plants.

New Releases

New World Rosy Adenium with the deepest purple and super blooming.

New World Black Rosy Adenium.

New World White Rosy Adenium with Purple Stripe all over petals.

New Super Big Rosy Adenium.

New Super Blooming Yellow Rosy Adenium

Another Super Big Pure White Rosy Adenium

New World White Rosy Adenium with widely deeper red stripe.

New World Rosy Adenium with Stronger Fragrance.

New World Super Rounded Big Red Rosy Adenium with clearer Blue Border.

New World Rosy Ademnium with almost full Black over-lapping petal areas.

New Yellow Long Lasting Rosy Adenium

New World Rosy Adenium with splashy brushed red all over white over-lapping petals.

The Best YELLOW Rosy Adenium of the year

New White Rosy Adenium with curly tiny pink border.

New Rosy Adenium attractive with clearly tiny red stripe all over over-lapping petals.

New World Rosy Adenium with Ice-Cream looks.

New World First Rosy Adenium with SUPER BIG flower size from Quintuple Overlapping Petals.

New World First Rosy Adenium with sexy splashy pink stripes & also spread from center.

New World First Rosy Adenium with Round & Curly Border Overlapping Petals.

New World First Rosy Adenium with Violet Petals decorating with wider & deeper purple border.

New World First Rosy Adenium with tiny pink stripes all over soften pink overlapping petals.

New World First Adenium Release with Ice Cream looks.

New World First Adenium Release with Blue & White border on every overlapping petals.

New World's Rosy Adenium Revolution.

New World Stunning Purple Adenium with "ORCHID" Fragrance.

New World First Rosy Adenium release with Yellow Stronger Frangrance.

New Transparent Yellow Rosy Adenium and Orange border on upper first petals.

New White Rosy Adenium with Tiny Magenta Border all over overlapping-petals.

New Rosy Adenium blooming today with new world colors and looks.

New Rosy Adenium blooming today with new world colors and looks.

New Adenium's Revolution with deeper black Rosy Adenium.

This is our greatest of Black Rosy Adenium with Black & Red on last overlapping petal.

New world adenium trends with aromatic randomly yellow & red adenium mixed up together.

New Baby Green Rosy Adenium with thicker multi-overlapping petals.

New World 2012 Rosy Adenium with splashy deep red on pure white background.

How do we export?

Please click here to see the steps of our adenium export to you.

Fun with Form Part 4 "Beauty with Knife"

Hello friends;

Today I would like to share the technique on how to fix adenium seedling with longer, disorder and not symmetric branches to become better following with bonsai style. I use the pruning technique and bonsai concept to do this. Most of growers or players know well about pruning but how we prune to make plants get more attractive. First, you’ve gotta know why we need to prune adeniums. When growing Adenium seedling to become bonsai characters, the key to success is pruning. In this article, we will discuss how to prune Adenium so you can have an amazing one. Keep in mind that different species of adeniums are suitable for different styles so learning how to prune adenium the right way is essential not just to appearance but to the overall health of the adenium. What you will find is that function and form
This adenium is Arabicum : Dwarf RCN in bareroot shipped to a friend of mine from Indonesia and let's see how he worked on this adenium.

walk a fine line when it comes to bonsai, requiring a perfect balance of science of growth and art, something that takes time to learn. We have 3 different kinds of pruning techniques.  

1. To improve or modify plant body’s shape to become better form or wanna big change from original form to another one, this method we always need to have most cut close to caudex.  

2. To adjust some branches to be able to make much more order or more branches in order to correct some defect angles. This way we just give them a little pruning.  

3. To boost new branch babies or new blooming. You can prune their branches deeply or shorten and also give flower’s fertilizer at the same time to speed up flowers. When new branches come up, they will give full blooming. 
As you can see, how to prune your adenium is not a complicated subject but it is a necessary one. You have to prune your adenium means of maintaining the correct shape of adenium, while encouraging new growth. What you will discover is that some adeniums respond naturally and very well to pruning while others have a hard time recovering. Again, the key is to prune only in the right season for the type of adeniums you have. Pruning’s objective with Adenium Obesum is to make more flowers and bushy form but doing on Arabicum and Thai Socotranum are different mostly focused on form. I hope you this pruning technique will make you get more fun with adenium's growing. Have a nice day.

Repot and give traning on her branches
Her branches are getting symmetric
or in good shape

Start pruning to make more branches and get rid of longer or unwanted branches
Give her training again including with
new coming branches

Getting better branch form and more bushy
and she looks the best now, but just
keep pruning