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European Importer

We would like to announce that we, Siam Adenium co.,ltd is certified as "Controlled Plant Exporter" and "treament" to "Europe" by our department of Agriculture (Thailand). Please see the certificate on the left side show as a Controlled Plant Exporter under the Plant Quarantine ACT B.E.2507 and Amended. That means now you can import our plants to youwith very safe and good conditions. Just have your Plant Import Permit (optional, just check with your plant quarantine services) and we'll deliver the plants to you safe and good condition plants.

New Releases

New World Rosy Adenium with the deepest purple and super blooming.

New World Black Rosy Adenium.

New World White Rosy Adenium with Purple Stripe all over petals.

New Super Big Rosy Adenium.

New Super Blooming Yellow Rosy Adenium

Another Super Big Pure White Rosy Adenium

New World White Rosy Adenium with widely deeper red stripe.

New World Rosy Adenium with Stronger Fragrance.

New World Super Rounded Big Red Rosy Adenium with clearer Blue Border.

New World Rosy Ademnium with almost full Black over-lapping petal areas.

New Yellow Long Lasting Rosy Adenium

New World Rosy Adenium with splashy brushed red all over white over-lapping petals.

The Best YELLOW Rosy Adenium of the year

New White Rosy Adenium with curly tiny pink border.

New Rosy Adenium attractive with clearly tiny red stripe all over over-lapping petals.

New World Rosy Adenium with Ice-Cream looks.

New World First Rosy Adenium with SUPER BIG flower size from Quintuple Overlapping Petals.

New World First Rosy Adenium with sexy splashy pink stripes & also spread from center.

New World First Rosy Adenium with Round & Curly Border Overlapping Petals.

New World First Rosy Adenium with Violet Petals decorating with wider & deeper purple border.

New World First Rosy Adenium with tiny pink stripes all over soften pink overlapping petals.

New World First Adenium Release with Ice Cream looks.

New World First Adenium Release with Blue & White border on every overlapping petals.

New World's Rosy Adenium Revolution.

New World Stunning Purple Adenium with "ORCHID" Fragrance.

New World First Rosy Adenium release with Yellow Stronger Frangrance.

New Transparent Yellow Rosy Adenium and Orange border on upper first petals.

New White Rosy Adenium with Tiny Magenta Border all over overlapping-petals.

New Rosy Adenium blooming today with new world colors and looks.

New Rosy Adenium blooming today with new world colors and looks.

New Adenium's Revolution with deeper black Rosy Adenium.

This is our greatest of Black Rosy Adenium with Black & Red on last overlapping petal.

New world adenium trends with aromatic randomly yellow & red adenium mixed up together.

New Baby Green Rosy Adenium with thicker multi-overlapping petals.

New World 2012 Rosy Adenium with splashy deep red on pure white background.

How do we export?

Please click here to see the steps of our adenium export to you.

The Power of Adenium "Single Petal" as Mother.

Hello Friends;

Today I would like to share the idea how to select nice Adenium single flower to develop to become more beautiful or Rosy Adenium (Multi-Overlapping petals or Rose without thorn) flowers. Of course, your adeniums will look nice if their parents are beautiful. That means you’ve gotta know “Match Maker”. As my previous article about how to produce nice Rosy Adenium, the key thing is how nice single petal (mother), the multi-overlapping petal’s characters will
"GREEN" is one of our dreams of Adenium, now we have been developing to make more green area.

come from Rosy Adenium: “Dox Xon” (Father). In term of producing Rosy Adenium, Single flower will act like “Queen” which can give new baby born or flowers look almost the same as their mother characters. The “King” must be Rosy Adenium can change these babies characters changed from single to multi-overlapping petals after being crossed each other. The first step is to produce single petal or select nice single flower. The Rosy Adenium pollen or King is just help creating the structure of multi-overlapping petals to her baby. That means the key to make nice
New adenium with changable color, getting darker on the 3rd-5th days blooming.

Rosy Adenium is to have nice Queen. Let’s get back to this article; this idea would help you save your time on development. There are 7 things to concern with selecting the flowers to develop or breed in order to make them get more beautiful on your own style. Here they are

1. Flower form: Most of breeders love Adenium flower with round or circular shape. Some flowers can have more different style also weird flowers such as star style and petals should not fold down. 2. Flower size: Most players love bigger flower size but I think size doesn’t matter. Most of bigger flower sizes are less productive flowers than smaller sizes. You should also concern with perfect matching with rootstock style. Some rootstocks are great with small size but much more productive flowers when full blooming. For example,

rootstock with spread root base, short caudex or trunk, and multiple branches, you should select the small productive flowers to graft on it.
3. Get dress up: This is one of the most important things to make your flowers get dress or wear with nice clothes more beautiful and attractive than plain colors .e.g. pure red, white, purple and pink but not naked, ha ha ha. The dresses you could put on them are border, stripe, dot, multi-lines, throat, splash, etc. This is also concluded with colorful dresses make them look more sexy and fashionable.
Our new golden Adenium with new cool fragrance. (Release now)

4. Face up: Good flowers should face up look better when full blooming. You can notice that most of face up flowers will have short peduncle. This is the most important thing to produce Rosy Adeniums (Multi-Overlapping petals) because most of Rosy Adenium flowers weigh more than single petal. If peduncle is long and not strong enough, it will make Rosy Adenium flowers face down even their flowers are very attractive.
5. Thick Petals: Adenium flowers with thick petals will bloom longer than thin petals and also resist with insect, raining, and diseases. Most contesters love to select Adenium flowers with thick petals to graft with their nice rootstocks.
6. Leaves: Leave characters will help your Adenium get prettier. Leaves should be matched with flowers and rootstocks. For example, small, long and narrow leaves with small flowers will be great with Adenium Arabicum (chubby trunk) rootstock.
7. Virus: Actually this thing might not be pretty concerned by buyers because they don’t know what adeniums they buy Adenium infected with virus. This thing is very important to breeders or growers because they will make flower and leaves lose form. This virus can spread very easy when make grafting with other adeniums.

New Adenium flower with changable color and style after the 3rd day blooming (Two tones style)

You can notice this symptom as brown spotted flowers, small white spot on leaves, curly leaves. 8 Luckiness: This item is not relevant with your developing skills or experiences. This comes from the outcome of crossing pollination to get new varieties or flowers. It’s just like more value added to these new flowers e.g. fragrance, changeable color, changeable style, etc. This would make you more fun to working on this development. From now on, we can produce Adenium with cool fragrance and changeable color and style after blooming.
Adenium Flower Structures

Now we can produce Adenium which has Multi-Overlapping petals (like rose) and we called this that “Rosy Adenium”. We dream some days we can also produce Rosy Adenium come up with cool fragrance more like rose. All of this comes from the “Power of Single Petal”. I think this is enough for you first start to develop new adeniums with more attractive and beautiful both single and Rosy Adenium in the future. There are many things getting to know with this plant. One more important thing is just keep crossing and

New flower characters with main magenta tiny line coming from throat to end of petals and also surrounding with multi-tiny lines.

crossing with smart way before wasting your time. I hope you will have fun with adenium developing. One more thing to check the flower's stability after making more amount on new babies or flowers is "Rootstock". We always check the new flowers' stabilty before releasing them to market. We use strong and healthy rootstocks growing with natural organic fertilizer and 3 month fermented soil (cow manure+soil+EM). We've never used chemical fertilizer to
Our rootstocks grown by organic fertilizer which can reduce the risk of rotten after repotting. They are also good for flower stability's test.

boost up the bigger and faster rootstock caudex size. on these rootstocks because this would impcact to flower's stability on new grafting(baby scions) on these rootstocks. Due to Chemical Fertilizer might effect to new flower colors and forms from new scions' grafting. Growing Adenium Rootstock with natural organic fertilizer on will reduce being rotten after repotting them on new media. I think this's all for today and I bet you will enjoy growing adeniums. Have a nice day.